Monday, September 30, 2019

Marine Fishes

Marine aquariums and saltwater fish†¦ capturing the imagination and inspiring enthusiasts for nearly 2 centuries! The world’s oceans are inhabited with over 14, 000 species of saltwater fish. A fascinating realm of sea creatures that are natural wonders of color, form, and display. With such an astounding diversity, learning about marine fish and keeping saltwater aquariums is an exciting adventure. Our list of saltwater fish covers a wide array of species from marine aquarium fish to exotic species. Each fish guide offers salt water fish information starting with where they are found and their habitat, followed with fish care, behaviors, and compatibility. Fish pictures are provided with each guide to help choose a pet and aid as a fish identification guide. Log In Marine Aquariums – Saltwater Fish | |Saltwater Fish Guides – Fish Care and Information – Pictures of Fish | |Anemone Fish | | | |Many anemone fish enjoy a simbiotic relationship with anemones | | | |[pic] | |Anemonefish – Damsels – Damsels are very colorful, but are also very hardy and adapt easily to captivity. | |[pic] | |Clownfish – Clownfish get their name because of their clown like markings and an adorable ‘waddle-like' swimming motion, they | |are truly the clowns of sea! | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | | | |[pic] | |Angelfish – Saltwater angelfish are truly an inspiration for many aquarists. Their majestic beauty is rivaled by few other | |types of fish. | |[pic] | |Blenny Types – Blennies are long, blunt headed fish. The male blennies are usually larger and more colorful than the females. |Blennies like to perch in the rocks and will enjoy an aquarium with plenty of rockwork or live rock. | | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | |[pic] | |Butterflyfish – Like angelfish, butterflyfish can be incredibly colorful and beautiful. Unfortunately, they are generally | |harder to keep in an aquarium because of their specialized diets. |[pic] | |Gobies and Dartfish – Gobies live in holes either found or dug from the sand which serve as a place to bolt into when danger is| |near, while the Dartfish or Dart Gobies swim above their protective caves. | | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | |[pic] | |Hawkfishes – â€Å"The name comes from their hawklike hunting behaviour. | |[pic] | |Lionfish – The Last Thing Many Fish Will Ever See †¦ | | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | |[pic] | |Mandarinfish and Dragonets – Mandarinfish and Dragonets are mostly bottom dwellers. They often like to bury themselves in the | |sand or flit from rock to rock in search of the small animals they like to feed upon. |[pic] | |Marine Eels – â€Å"The romans valued morays very highly, docorating them with jewels† | | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | |[pic] | |Miscellaneous Saltwater Fish – Saltwater fish that are not represented by a large number of species. Many of these marine fish | |make wonderful additons to the marine or reef aquarium. | |[pic] | |Puffers – Boxfish – Porcupinefish – Puffers, Boxfish, and Porcupinefish are considered hardy in the sense that they will almost| |always adapt to aquarium food if fed proper foods. These fish love to eat will often look forward to seeing the person that | |feeds them. | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | |[pic] | |Sea Basses and Groupers – â€Å"When the Betta hu nts it approaches its prey sideways †¦ † | |[pic] | |Sharks and Rays – Sharks and Rays can be incredible additions to aquariums that are large enough to suit the particular | |species. Unfortunately most of them are too large for anything but a public aquarium. | | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | |[pic] | |Surgeonfish – The Acanthuridae family contains the fish that are known as Surgeonfish, Tangs, Unicornfish, and doctorfish. The | |name â€Å"surgeonfish† comes from the erectable razor sharp spines at the base of their bodies just in front of the tail fin. |[pic] | |Triggerfish – Members of this family have acquired their common name ‘triggerfish' from the characteristic locking and | |unlocking of their first dorsal fin. | | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | |[pic] | |Wrasses – Wrasses come in a wide assortment of colors, shapes and sizes. They are very beautiful and a fun addition to marine | |aquariums. | | | | |

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Profit Maximization Essay

The company selected for this project is Ingram Micro. It is one of the largest distributors of Information Technology products not only in America but in the whole world as well. Basically, the main modus operandi of the company is to generate income through selling IT products in bulk to large distributors or resellers or in retail to its dedicated special group of resellers. The main distinguishing operation of Ingram Micro in terms of profit generation is that it generates revenues by adjusting in real-time all the products it distributes from the manufacturer to the distributors. Ingram Micro is like a channel so it is crucial that price adjustments will not compromise its ability to earn profits. Technically, the mode of distributing products can be considered elastic in demand curves. This means that any changes or adjustments in the prices of the products won’t have true effect on the demands of the resellers. This is mainly due to the fact that the consumers’ market of IT products can readily adjust to price fluctuations as technology commodities always do. However, if a reseller wishes to order in bulk, Ingram Micro can immediately adjust its profit to save the deal and create more future opportunities with a specific reseller. So in this case demand really drives the profit of the company. On the other hand if one manufacturer is not able to meet the demands of the reseller, Ingram Micro can increase prices for profit maximization without even hurting its reputation among the resellers as the latter always understand the situation that Ingram Micro is simply dependent on how much commodities they can acquire at any given time. On the aspect of company operations, we can say that Ingram Micro has fixed costs of operations on its employees’ salaries, arrangement with delivery companies like FedEx and UPS and the maintenance of network systems and warehouse tax payments. Variable costs may include the cost of technology products for system upgrade, repairs and some unwanted delivery errors charged to the company’s accounts. To illustrate Ingram Micro’s profit maximization, a study on revenue and cost balances can be used. Profit maximization is attained when the marginal revenue starts to equal with marginal cost and projects upward (Wolfram, 2008). Below is a hypothetical data where Ingram Micro is set to reach its profit maximization status.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Atlantic Slave

Even before the first humans on Earth, there has always been a constant change in the landscape. From the first cultivated fields of the Neolithic period to the great structures of the first dynasty in China, the landscape has ever been evolving. Arguably one of the most dynamic changes were those of Europe from the 1500-1 sass. During this time, cultural, social and economic beliefs were remodeled or evolved to help create the foundations of societies today.Out of the three areas the most influential were the economic changes which not only took place in Western Europe but throughout other continents s well. Most recognizable of these changes was the importance of slavery in the Atlantic World. Slavery in the Trans- Atlantic world referred to the use of people from Africa who had been captured and used for their labor to create goods for Europe. [I] Though there are multiple examples of the benefits, the real SUCCeSS was due to the economic factors which allowed the slave trade and slavery to expand from 1550- 1800. Through the Atlantic economy, increased trade through the colonization of the New World and also the interdependence of countries and diversity are the three factors that allowed the slave trade and slavery to grow in the Atlantic World as well as the increased wealth of Europeans. One of the factors that expanded the slave trade and slavery was the growth of the Atlantic economy through capitalism. Modern capitalism known today started around this time period. This meant that economic institutions such as banks and the stock market came to fruition. Ii] This capitalism then translated overseas with the collection of cash crops which boosted the Western European economy. In the third document for example there is an example of capitalism in action in the British West Indies. Iii] The sugar [cash crop] is in barrels which would have been shipped off to Europe where it would have been sold to people to create money to circle within the economy. Some may wonder how this boosted the economy if money was spent on these mills across the Atlantic. This is due to the use of slaves which were much cheaper and therefore cost effective for the countries in Europe.As shown in document 7, thousands of slaves were carried off to the New World to work at the mills and plantation field to produce goods for Europe. [iv] The number of slaves abroad the ship indicate that it has to be a large sell to hold many slaves during one trip. The reason they were so cheap was because African slaves were resistant to diseases more than the natives and also were more productive than them also. [v] Also they could serve fore a lifetime to one owner while previous settlers were indentured servants meaning they worked for a set amount of time; overall a better long- term investment which saved money. Vi] Another reason why they were in demand was because of the number of workers needed in a plantation for it to work. In the documents 4 and 5, the data shows exactly why African Slaves were a better than the natives Meridians) or any of the indentured s ervants. In document 3 it shows the different jobs that had to be done on the plantation. [vii] Due to the number of jobs that had to be filled not just once but by multiple people is was difficult to do so with Meridians who kept dying out due to the new diseases which made it harder to fill the spots available. Viii] The fifth document shows the birth and death rate that a plantation would have during this time. [ix] From the data given it makes more sense as to why a plantation owner would invest a lot of money initially buying slaves knowing hat they would save much more in the end. This is because with slaves that lasted longer, the need to replace them was less. The second factor which led to the expansion of slavery and the slave trade was the increase in trade due colonization of the New World.One of the big changes during this time was the number of people who started to explore new places such as the Americas. In document 6 for example, it shows a map of the new colonies created by the big nations in Europe at the time. [x] France for example has created New France in Canada and also down into Florida and Spain had a large portion Of Mexico and Southern America. [xi] These new colonizes helped create trade between the New and Old World. Government ventures landed money for explorers to set forth and trade in the West and elsewhere. Xii] This also led to the role of mercantilism in the Atlantic as well. They helped promote overseas trade between a country and its own colonizes. [xiii] As they controlled more trade, different trading companies began to emerge in response to mercantilism. The Dutch West Indian Company and the royal African Company chartered by their otherworld all participated in a system which included other non- European countries as well. This system was known as the Atlantic Circuit which was a clockwise network of trading links that moved goods, wealth and people around the Atlantic system. Xiv] This helped make the slave trade more efficient because now a vast amount of slaves could be transported to their specific destinations as requested by a country. As document 8 shows, the slaves which came from Africa each followed a specific route in the Atlantic Circuit. [w] tying in with document 4 the work that had to be done on the alienation was a lot and that is why with the help of city ports in Africa they were able to get a large number of slaves to help in the Americas. An example of the type of work they did can be seen in document 1. In this picture of the SST. Crosss Sugar Mills, the large numbers of slaves were able to make a lot of sugar which in turn meant more goods for the second leg of the circuit. [xvi] With this incentive, owners of the mills or plantations along with traders back home would continue to pay for more slaves to be deported for their services. Not only was there a demand for the work the slaves provided but also the totality during these trades led more slaves to be sent off as replacements. The conditions in these voyages were very harsh, with the captured slaves being abused, malnourished and gravely ill. Xvii] Document 2 shows just how high the number of these deaths in transit to their destinations was during the middle passage. [xviii] From the graphs shown, it is easy to understand why slaves would have to constantly replace. If slaves did not eventually die from being worked on the plantation or the mills they surely would have died in the middle passage where diseases like dysentery and malaria were meant. Referencing back to document 7, months of living on such a boat would surely weaken the slaves and constant abuse from the slave traders would make them more ill. Xix] The last factor which led to an expansion in the slave trade and slavery was the interdependence and diversity. The first reason it was able to expand so much was because of the reliance of many different countries that all contributed to one goal. Amsterdam for example, had one of the best financial institutions at the time which meant more people along with companies would invest their money there. [xx] These investments would hen be put into the ventures abroad like in the West Indies to help with the plantations. Exile Not only is that but the Atlantic Circuit an example of the growing interdependence between nations. As document 6 showed, the manufactured goods from the Americas would go to Western Europe where it would be traded for more slaves in exchange for the goods. [xii] This global market created a demand for many nations which spurred the further transport of slaves. What is also seen during this period is that not slaves during the time were of the same ethnicity. As document 9 shows, some laves which were captured has also been Muslim. Xiii] This meant that not only were the traders and companies diverse in the people they did business with but also slaves were ethnically diverse as well. This diversity however may have contributed to more slaves being transported. This is because in document 9 it explained how the Muslim slave had never been used to this sort of lifestyle and therefore could adjust well and handle to work which is why he was given back. [xiv] This might indicate this sort of lifestyle which had not been as popular in some societies might mean that the slaves used room these places would not be adjusting well into this lifestyle. Thus slave traders would need to have more slaves sent over to replace the ones who could not handle the work and had to be returned. The factors which led to the expansion of slavery and the slave trade in the Atlantic was because of the Atlantic Economy, increased trade with the New World and lastly the increase in interdependence and diversity. Capitalism which emerged during this time period helped provide money to start up plantations. The goods that it then produced was used to help boost the economy in Western Europe. The increased trade between nations helped create incentive to send over more.Through the Atlantic Circuit slaves were sent more efficiently and in bigger loads to earn even more goods to trade in the old World. Lastly the interdependence with different nations provided more money to be involved with colonizes abroad. The interdependence with these nations had also meant the source of their slaves also created diversity among them. The evidence provided gave a lot of insight into the slave trade however there are some pieces missing. Real life accounts of the slave traders ND how they felt may have also been useful.Other articles such as a daily schedule of a slave on plantations might have been useful in explaining how the slaves needed to be replaced due to the hard work. Overall, from what is given it is clear that the slave trade though not morally correct provided many benefits for the people of Europe. It is one of the main events in history which helped Western Europe so strong and feared.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Behavior Intervention Plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Behavior Intervention Plan - Case Study Example The class has one other child with high functioning autism. His class has a regular class teacher, a class room assistant and a special Ed assistant who normally helps out with Logan and Sarah the other special needs child in the class. Logan has two periods daily in the Special Ed classroom with the Special Ed Co-coordinator. Logan follows an IEP designed by the special educator. The special Educator has also designed a routine that the special Ed assistant and class teacher follow with Logan. Infact to accommodate his special needs Logan follows a separate time table. When most of their class is doing poetry for example, Logan often does speech therapy with the special Ed assistant. Logan also has sensory issues and also has sessions with the Schools Occupational Therapist. The school also has a behavioral Therapist who works closely with the Special Ed co-coordinator to give input on and help to manage Logan's behavior. The behavioral Therapist visits Logan's class daily to monito r any behavioral issues displayed by him. Currently the behavioral therapist utilizes a system of rewards to encourage Logan to display positive behavior and a series of deterrents to discourage negative behavior. She also uses a pictorial board to help Logan understand situations which are new to him and which require a change in his routine. Logan is Logan is a fairly compliant child and follows most of the instructions given to him in class. He shows a great amount of affection for his teachers and class mates. He mixes well with his peers and is generally friendly with his classmates. Logan loves music and often likes to play music on a toy piano He participates in group activity and loves to play football with his class mates. Logan is literate and has good reading skills for a six year old. His writing skills need improvement though he is able to independently hold a pencil and trace along dotted lines. Logan loves computers and is far better than most of his classmates at the educational computer games that are played in class. At this stage he has mastered Reader Rabbit Grade 1 and also Learn to Read another educational software program that the class does. He can type his name in a word document and also a few more lines about himself. He knows how to open and close a word document, how to load cds and can maneuver the mou se like an expert. Logan is a whiz at math. He is way beyond his class level and is currently following a Grade 4 Maths book. While most of his classmates are learning to add single digits, Logan is already doing fractions!! His teachers report that he has an extraordinary skill with Numbers. They also report that he has a very good memory and an excellent sense of direction. Logan has on various occasions displayed disruptive and aggressive behavior His behavioral tantrums start with a loud snort which is followed by loud crying and culminate with the child hitting himself severely on the face. On several occasions the beating is accompanied by nose bleeds which are caused by the child hitting his nose and face reputedly the behavior is extremely disruptive to the class room environment and the frequent bleeding is very disturbing or the other students and teachers alike. His teachers also noted that though Logan hits himself, he

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Operation Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Operation Management - Research Paper Example Operation management 1. Introduction The five star hotel described in the case study must consider a variety of factors when considering new and existing operational strategy. The hotel is large-scale in that it offers 250 bedrooms which must be regularly serviced and monitored for cleanliness and relevance to fulfilling the customer needs. This requires a labour-intensive focus to ensure that all elements of the guest experience are fulfilled, thus the need for a structured and regulated cleaning and maintenance crew must be established and managed appropriately. The hotel’s three kitchens will require more demands, especially in relation to quality and management, as it is designed to cater and service walk-in patrons from the external environment and guests as well. All of these facilities require an operational approach that takes into consideration design, the supply chain, planning, technology, and control from the management perspective, along with human resources, each with its own focus on input considerations and outcome demands. 2. Methodology of research The data gleaned for this report involved secondary desk research with consultation with various texts related to operations management, human behaviour, psychology and marketing. Because the role of employees is integral to the service encounter and maintaining a positive brand image, various journals regarding the role of human resources was not dismissed as part of operational and management strategy. The research identified case studies within a real-time hotel environment regarding environmental initiatives and human resources strategy as it relates to operations management in order to benchmark recommendations regarding what constitutes a quality contemporary operations strategy. Data was analysed by comparing the literature to the case study to identify correlations between concepts and operational strategy in order to gain an understanding of what operational components must be in pla ce in a large-scale, five star hotel environment. 3. Additional hotel features bearing on analysis One of the main themes associated with hotel environments and the hospitality industry as a whole is the human relations element related to employee motivation, worker role in marketing reputation, and general employee satisfaction. Though not described in the case study, the role of the service employee is vital to sustaining a quality reputation with customers and fulfilling their customer service expectations. Therefore, it was necessary to consult with literature describing the employee experience as well since their psychological and sociological attitudes will have a direct impact on their output results and interactions with diverse, international customers. The elements also associated with culture, both employee related and customer related, were also considered since most of the facility operational components maintain a high level of service interaction and will play directl y on whether or not the customers remain loyal to the hotel brand. These are important inputs when considering restaurant quality, cocktail environments where socialization between staff and customers is routine and the organisational structure that guides the hotel environment.

Case 2.2 Gucci America, Inc. V. Wang Huoqing Assignment

Case 2.2 Gucci America, Inc. V. Wang Huoqing - Assignment Example It can be derived from the report and the previous research conducted on the topic that products of Gucci America were highly recognized and its trademark valuable. For this reason, Wang Huoqing created products that resembled products from Gucci. The main dispute was caused by infringement of trademark rules. This is because Wang Huoqing used the Gucci trademark for its products. Upon realization, Gucci America filed a case aimed at challenging the legality of the trademark on products used by Wang Huoqing. The researcher states that the legal question raised may be valid. Upon registration, Gucci America was provided with the right to regulate the use of its trademark. The defendant breached this legal agreement by using the trademark without the authorization on the plaintiff. This essay discusses that the decision by the courts is that Wang Huoqing did not adhere to the trademark requirements. In addition, the courts reached the decision that the dependent was liable to pay compe nsation to the plaintiff. In addition, the questions raised by the plaintiff on the harm made on the Gucci America brand were sustained. The author has rightly presented that the argument prior to the decision is that Gucci America was the first organization to be provided with the right on the Gucci Trademark. Another organization may use the trademark after an agreement with the parent company.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Gis project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gis project management - Essay Example In other words, successful leaders have passion for leadership. Similarly, project managers ought to have an internal personal drive that inspires and motivates their job performance. It is also noted that leadership is an ongoing and challenging practice. Notably, GIS project management is not short of the same observation. GIS project managers handle multiple tasks, manage team members, interact with clients, and encounter end-users from time to time. All these duties and responsibilities translate to management and leadership challenges evident in GIS projects. Finally yet importantly, Jane Harman’s advice maintains that hard work and failure are key components of the leadership puzzle. This advice relates to GIS project management in the sense that managers will ultimately strive to achieve their project goals. On the same note, not every project translates to automatic success. In this respect, failures should be viewed as learning curves for improved future outcomes. The idea is to promote leadership and management in equal measure as far as project management is

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Accounting Standards In Essay

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Accounting Standards In The USA. Ethics And Accounting Profession - Essay Example I like the field of international accounting, but unfortunately I do not possess the knowledge necessary to become a valuable asset for the IASB. During the past course I took, accounting theory, I learned a lot about the importance of the FASB and how much the principles created by the FASB affect the operations of companies in the domestic U.S. marketplace. I believe that the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 was a game changer in terms of regulations. SOX raised the integrity, credibility, and accountability of all accounting information in the United States of America. The FASB indirectly benefited from the implementation of the Sarbanes Oxley Act because its bylaws were strengthen as a result of this new regulation. When people believe in the accounting numbers published by US corporations they are strengthening its trust in the GAAP and the FASB. In terms of the GASB I am not really interested in governmental accounting. DQ2 The current accounting standards in the United States of Ame rica are ethically based. Ethics and integrity are two of the values that all accountants uphold at all times when working the profession. The generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) represent the bible for accountants. Ethics is taken into consideration in accounting in many circumstances. For instance the principle of conservatism states that when in doubt an accountant should always underestimate revenues. Sales forecasting techniques such as the Delphi method should be implemented taking into consideration the principle of conservatism. During the past nine years the accounting profession has increased its credibility with the inception of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002. The CEOs and top executives of the company including the CFO and controller are personally liable if the financial statements of their company are full of material error or fraudulent activity. SOX also created better internal controls and the integration of auditor independence. Accounting students sinc e the undergraduate level are taught that ethics is an extremely important aspect of accounting work. The curriculums of universities should include more courses in pure ethics as part of the curriculum of business administration. At the corporate level most companies have code of conducts that integrate ethics into its bylaws. DQ3 Ethics are extremely important to the accounting profession. Accountants form close business relationship with their clients. Trust, loyalty, and high ethical conduct are expected from all accountants. Accountants work as facilitators of financial information for internal and external stakeholders. Some of the stakeholders that depend on information provided by accountants include investors, suppliers, lenders, employees, customers, government and the community. The ethics bar was raised nine years ago when the U.S Congress and the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) worked together to create the Sarbanes Oxley Act. Section 802 of the Sarbanes Oxley Ac t imposes criminal penalties for altering, destroying, mutilating, concealing, falsifying records, documents or tangible objects with the intent to obstruct impede or influence a legal investigation (Soxlaw, 2003). I think that justice was served in the Enron case because some of the executives received jail time. When ethics are not in play in the accounting profession a lot of criminal activity can occur. Deceptive accountants can defraud the government out of hundreds of thousands of dollars by falsifying information in the personal tax returns of their clients. Unethical accountants also do not comply with the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). It is the duty of all accountants to comply with GAAP. (2003). Sarbanes-Oxley Act Section 802. Retrieved

Monday, September 23, 2019

Information Management and Design - Critical Thinking Mod 4 Essay

Information Management and Design - Critical Thinking Mod 4 - Essay Example This will help in knowing the number of CDs that move fast thus enabling the shop owner to diversify into such product codes, hence enabling a clear focus and indication of the products that are in store or out of the store. It should put into consideration the programs that are able to have predetermined weekly forecasts all through the levels of operations of the shop (Wierenga, 2008). When this is done the shop owner is able to have an automatic manipulation of the prices of the CDs in stocking thus factoring in those that sale slow without losing profitability. This system should also take into consideration the ability to set prices in an interactive way that enables better displays thus promoting wholesale practices, this is able to factor all the CDs that are on display without any kind of discrimination in quality versus prices. The prices should be designed in a way that they are grouped as per the code classifications of the products, there may be some CDs that may not sell that first, it is therefore important to put them in that category of CDs that sell fast and code them the same. This kind of system design is able to promote profitability and the movement of the stock (Wierenga, 2008). While designing the system it is also important to put into consideration the promotional calendars that are geared into performing multiple weekly operations rather than single weekly price settings. This should set values for seasonal promotions where certain types of CDs sell at high levels hence the system designs should be able to take into account the promotional activities from the manufacturers to the shop retail levels. The system should be designed in a way that it is able to capture the prices from the competitor’s level in an incomplete way so as to help in designing competitive prices for the products that are able to sell faster and those that sell slower (Burstein, 2008). This kind of system design should be able to find a way of coordinating all the CDs and their categories while in the stores. This system should factor a better way of finding correct method of coding the prices according to the market trends which helps in achieving consistent images across the categories of the CD products in the store. The system should be able to capture all the information from many sources and integrate them together in a compatible format so that the inventory systems can be integrated with pricing systems (Burstein, 2008). The design should be able to help the shop owner in scaling the CDs into one category or more categories so as to help in promoting sales equally regardless of whether the CD is of inferior or superior qualities. While doing all these, the system should also be designed in a way that it gives prices recommendations in a strategic way that all the products are sold in a strategic way and this should be able to warn and discard bad pricing strategies. All these system designs should factor in better ways of easi er data accessibility for better reporting and decision making in knowing the best products in and out of store. When the data is easily accessed, there is a greater possibility of consolidating the data set that can be used in getting better analysis of the CDs according to their clientele suitability and prices. The system shou

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Third Reich Essay Example for Free

Third Reich Essay The Nazi rise to power brought an end to the Weimar Republic, a parliamentary democracy established in Germany after World War I. Following the appointment of Adolf Hitler as chancellor on January 30, 1933, the Nazi state (also referred to as the Third Reich) quickly became a regime in which Germans enjoyed no guaranteed basic rights. After a suspicious fire in the Reichstag (the German Parliament), on February 28, 1933, the government issued a decree which suspended constitutional civil rights and created a state of emergency in which official decrees could be enacted without parliamentary confirmation. In the first months of Hitlers chancellorship, the Nazis instituted a policy of coordinationthe alignment of individuals and institutions with Nazi goals. Culture, the economy, education, and law all came under Nazi control. The Nazi regime also attempted to coordinate the German churches and, although not entirely successful, won support from a majority of Catholic and Protestant clergymen. Extensive propaganda was used to spread the regimes goals and ideals. Upon the death of German president Paul von Hindenburg in August 1934, Hitler assumed the powers of the presidency. The army swore an oath of personal loyalty to him. Hitlers dictatorship rested on his position as Reich President (head of state), Reich Chancellor (head of government), and Fuehrer (head of the Nazi party). According to the Fuehrer principle, Hitler stood outside the legal state and determined matters of policy himself. Hitler had the final say in both domestic legislation and German foreign policy. Nazi foreign policy was guided by the racist belief that Germany was biologically destined to expand eastward by military force and that an enlarged, racially superior German population should establish permanent rule in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Here, women played a vital role. The Third Reichs aggressive population policy encouraged racially pure women to bear as many Aryan children as possible. Within this framework, racially inferior peoples, such as Jews and Gypsies, would be eliminated from the region. Nazi foreign policy aimed from the beginning to wage a war of annihilation against the Soviet Union, and the peacetime years of the Nazi regime were spent preparing the German people for war. In the context of this ideological war, the Nazis planned and implemented the Holocaust, the mass murder of the Jews, who were considered the primary racial enemy. Open criticism of the regime was suppressed by the Gestapo (secret state police) and the Security Service (SD) of the Nazi party, but Hitlers government was popular with most Germans. There was, however, some German opposition to the Nazi state, ranging from nonconformity to the attempt to kill Hitler on July 20, 1944. The Allies defeated Nazi Germany and forced a German surrender on May 8, 1945. Further Reading Burleigh, Michael. The Third Reich: A New History. New York: Hill and Wang, 2000.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Vocabulary Learning On Low Proficiency Learners English Language Essay

Vocabulary Learning On Low Proficiency Learners English Language Essay In many research on second language classroom, the role and influences of mother tongue or first language (L1) on second language (L2) learning has always been a hotly debated issue. There have always been contradicting views about whether or not to use L1 of the students in the second language classroom. During the past 30 years, in the late seventies to early eighties, the idea of using mother tongue in language classroom was not a favored one. Majority of the language classroom used solely L2 while the use of L1 is avoided totally (Liu, 2008). In fact, many supported the use of L2 only so as to provide full exposure to that language. The use of L1 in the language classroom is deemed as depriving the learners input in L2 (Ellis, 1984). Despite the many arguments from both proponents and opponents of the use of L1 in the L2 language classroom, linguistic researchers failed to provide a conclusion for this issue and could not reach a common ground on whether the use of L1 is considered as a facilitator or a barrier in the acquisition of second language. According to Nation (2003), L2 should be fully utilized as much as possible in a foreign language classroom (in this context, English). Though L2 should be the core language used in classroom management and learning, the use of L1 should not be abandoned as it has a minute but significant role in language learning (Nation, 2003). Apart from Nation (2003), there are many linguists and researchers in the field of second language acquisition who agreed that L1 should be utilized in the language classroom in particular with students who are not highly proficient in the target language (Swain Lapkin, 2000; Tang, 2002; Mattioli 2004). This suggests that L1 plays an important role in the language classroom especially for the low proficiency learners. However, not many empirical studies have been conducted to examine the effectiveness of using L1 as a tool for low proficiency learners in L2 classroom (Bouangeune, 2009). Therefore, this paper seeks to find evidence to support the theory that L1 can facilitate the learning of L2 in the classroom learning. Classroom learning for languages encompasses four language skills, for example, reading comprehension, writing, and vocabulary learning. As a head start, this paper will examine the use of L1 in L2 vocabulary learning. 1.2 Research Objectives Liu (2008) did a rather straightforward and comprehensive research on the effects of L1 use on L2 vocabulary learning. In his study, he managed to prove that bilingual vocabulary teaching method is actually suitable for Chinese EFL learners (Liu, 2008). Inspired by his research, this study aims to address the problem of low proficiency learners in Malaysian secondary government school. This study will replicate the research done by Liu (2008) to investigate the role of L1 in L2 vocabulary learning. Also, this study intended to identify whether L1 is a facilitator or a barrier to the L2 vocabulary learning in Malaysian context and how L1 facilitates the language learning. The main objective of this study is to examine the effects of L1 use in L2 vocabulary learning on low proficiency L2 learners. 1.3 Research Questions Based on the objective, this study seeks to measure how L1 facilitates the low proficiency L2 learners to understand the meanings of new words. This study aims to answer the following questions: What are the effects of using L1 in L2 vocabulary learning classroom? To what extend does the use of L1 increase the performances of L2 vocabulary learning. From here, we propose the following hypotheses: There are significant differences between the performances of students with different language approach in the vocabulary learning. The bilingual approach (incorporating L1 in L2 classroom learning) is suitable to low proficiency L2 learners. 1.4 Purpose of the Study This study sets to focus on L2 vocabulary learning due to the reason that acquisition of vocabulary has a fundamental role in learning a second language (SÃ ¶kmen, 1997). In other words, vocabulary learning is inter-related to other language skills. A number of studies claimed that L2 learners need to have extensive knowledge of vocabulary as it is useful in the long term run (Nation, 2001). Since the acquisition of vocabulary is so important in learning a second language, effective ways of teaching and learning vocabulary should be emphasized. Research has confirmed that proper application of L1 can effectively assist the memorization of new words during L2 vocabulary learning process. Liu (2008) used the fact that L1 is present in L2 learners mind, therefore, whether the teacher uses L1 or not, the L2 knowledge that is being formed in their mind is linked in all sorts of ways with their L1 knowledge. This observation is supported from the sociocultural theory perspective that L1 meanings continue to have a persistent effect in the L2 learning (Lantolf Thorne, 2006). Therefore, it is hope that through this study, we are able to draw some insights concerning the role of L1 and how L1 provides a familiar and effective way for acquiring and understanding the meaning of new words in L2 vocabulary learning. 1.5 The Theoretical Framework The theoretical framework for this study is based on three prominent second language acquisition theory, namely the Krashens Monitor Model (1985), Swains Output Hypothesis (1985) and Comprehensible Output (1995) and Longs Interaction Hypothesis (1981, 1996). It has been widely acknowledged that the three constructs of these theories, the input, interaction and output are closely related elements in L2 learning (Zhang, 2009). The input is vital for language acquisition. However, input alone is not sufficient. In addition, interaction comes into play as an equally important role in the process of learning. As for output, it is the final result or the goal in learning L2. According to Krashen , the input and output of L2 learning and production is reflected by the model in Figure 1 below: Figure 1: Krashens combined model of acquisition and production Learners need to receive comprehensible input the L2 acquisition. Before the input is being processed into the Language Acquisition Device (LAD), it may or may not be filtered as the Affective Filter Hypothesis explains. With comprehensible input and low affective filter, learners will be able to acquire the L2 knowledge and produce output. However, the notion of output is not strongly stressed in this model, therefore a model of second language acquisition is also adopted. The model is reflected in Figure 2 below: Figure 2: A model of second language acquisition and use (based on VanPatten, 1995) Based on the above Krashens combined model of acquisition and production (Figure 1) and a model of Van Pattens second language acquisition (Figure 2), the framework below (Figure 3) is conceptualized to represent the relationship between Krashens comprehensible Input and Affective Filter Hypothesis, Longs Interaction Hypothesis and Swains Output Hypothesis in second language acquisition process in the context of using L1 in L2 teaching of vocabulary. Figure 3: Conceptualized framework based on combination of input, interaction and output 1.6 Significance of study Since there has been few studies done by the language teachers and professionals in identifying whether the use of L1 in the learning of L2 vocabulary on low proficiency students, this study will serve as a groundwork to determine the effectiveness and to gain insight of whether there is any differences, of how well the low proficiency students response and improve by using L1 in vocabulary learning. This paper hopes that the result from this study would add to the betterment of interest and motivation among the students and improve their proficiency in second language vocabulary learning. 1.7 Limitation of the Study This study examines only the low proficiency students who are studying in form 5, who are selected because they have been receiving below C grade for their English result. Due to insufficient representations of students of other level, generalization is applicable only to the form five students of the particular school. There is also the matter of class control. Since the students were from low achievement class, they are also the possibilities that they had discussed the answers among themselves. The research also suffers from time constraints. The purpose of this quantitative study is to determine the usage of L1 in L2 vocabulary learning on low proficiency students. Further studies may carry out in different samples for identification of different strategies and method use. 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 History of language learning on L1 use in L2 teaching Throughout the history of second language acquisition both in the context of learning and especially teaching, the role of L1 has long been the most long-standing controversies in the history of language pedagogy and this, according to Stern (as cited in Anh,2010) . This was further supported by Hitotuzi (2006) who stated that first and foremost, to further understand the important and significance of the relationship of L1 and L2 in second language acquisition, one should start as early as one could in the periodic the role of the learners first language in the process of foreign/ second language learning and acquisition. The issues of whether or not to use the L1 in the L2 teaching have left a debate among teachers with some feeling that under certain limitations, the L1 could be used as a tool while the other teachers feel that L1 should not be involved in the teaching of L2 (Stapa Majid,2009). According to Anh (2010), the attention given to this matter has been increasing and ha s garner a lot of interest in research and studies carried out to further develop the methods and issues concerning to the qualities of using L1 as a resource in the language classroom and also among the language teaching profession. The history of L1 usage in L2 teaching can traced thought history and it could be considered to have started as early as in the nineteenth century in the western countries, where the Grammar Translation Method dominated the L2 classroom (Anh, 2010). Howatt (as cited in Hitotuzi, 2006) also stated that the Grammar Translation Method enjoyed a widespread acceptance excessively in the late nineteenth-century until the World War II, this is according to Bowen, Aden and Hilferty (as cited in Hitotuzi, 2006). Here, it can be seen that the usage and issues of L1 usage in L2 language acquisition has long started and practiced throughout history. According to Larsen-Freeman (as cited in Anh, 2010), the Grammar Translation Method derived from the teaching of the classical languages, Latin and Greek, where, through this method, L2 was used in grammar illustration, bilingual vocabulary lists and translation exercises and was a fundamental goal in helping learners be able to read literature (Anh, 2010). Since then, as stated by Hitotuzi (2006), many other significance occurrence can be seen in the development of L1 in L2 acquisition such as of Howatts Direct Method which focused on the extremisms in the usage of the mother tongue a movement that occur in the twentieth century and was according to him, was shortly preceded by Lambert Sauveurs Natural Method and followed by the Armys Method, or the Audiolingual Method (ALM). The matter of L1 usage in L2 teachng has a deep root in Second language and Hitotuzi (2006) further mentioned that During these centuries of controversy over the role of L1 in the L2 learning context, many untested teaching, practice and sinvolving (or excluding!) Learner L1 has been adopted; they rely essentially on popular beliefs. Anh (2010) also stated with the aim of developing post-communicative methods which regard L1 as a classroom resource, several studies connected to the role of L1 in the teaching of L2 have been conducted. 2.2 Krashens Monitor Model In the theories of second language acquisition, the Input Hypothesis by Stephen Krashen (1985) is said to be one of the major theories frequently referred to (Zheng, 2008). This hypothesis aims to explain how learners acquire a second language. It claims that language input (vocabulary) is important to acquisition. For the acquisition of L2 vocabulary, comprehensible input is an essential factor. According to the hypothesis, second language acquisition happens when the learners understand input that contains grammatical forms at i+1 (Zhang, 2009). In simpler terms, if learners are able to understand the explanations and instructions given by teachers, then their current competence i will be promoted to i+1. Learners tend to achieve optimal acquisition when they are able to understand most of the input while being challenged by some new vocabulary (Castro, 2010). It would be a waste of effort for a teacher to keep on speaking in L2 if the students are low proficiency L2 speakers. The teacher might be carrying many classroom activities but without the help of L1, the students cannot understand the instructions and participate in the activities. Therefore, it is crucial for teachers to provide sufficient comprehensible input to their students in the language classroom. When Krashen came out with the Input Hypothesis, he further described acquisition with another closely related hypothesis, the Affective Filter Hypothesis. The Affective Filter Hypothesis explains that learners need to receive the comprehensible input into their brains. However, learners tend to filter or block out the target language if they become tense, confused, angry or bored (Lightbown Spada, 1999). In order to prevent learners from having high affective filter towards target language, they need to be fed with acceptable taste of food. Previous studies have reported that teachers tend to fine students for using their L1 in English language classroom (Weinberg, 1990). If the students speak their L1 (Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Russian or Farsi) in the English language classroom, they will be fined 25 cents. This reminds me of my primary schooling days where we were made compulsory to communicate in English during the English Week and if we fail to do so, we will b e fined 10 cents for each word spoken in our mother tongue. As a result, many students dared not speak much or speak out loud during that week because they could not converse in English language fluently. This situation clearly explains that when learners become frustrated, upset, angry and resentful at the environment of the language classroom, their learning stops. Therefore, it is critical for teachers to consider the barriers faced by the L2 learners especially lower proficiency learners and provide comprehensible input to lower their affective filters. 2.3 Longs Interaction Hypothesis The other important element in L2 learning is interaction. Long (1981, 1996) influenced by Krashens theory on input developed the Interaction Hypothesis. In addition, Long (1981, 1996) focused on the link between the language learners and their language development. Since early 1980s, researchers have been concentrating on studying the role of interaction and considered it as important for second language acquisition (Xu, 2010). The central focus of the Interaction Hypothesis is on the negotiation for meaning (Castro, 2010). Comprehensible input must be accompanied by interactions to yield a more desirable output. The occurrences of interaction produce significances, feedbacks and input modifications that help to increase comprehension of content. Long (1996) noted that interaction facilitated comprehension and acquisition. In other words, interactive input is more important than non-interactive input (Ellis, 1994). Interactions in the language classroom are very important for both teachers and students. L2 learners should be given chances to interact with the teachers for clearer understanding. There should be possibilities for L2 learners to clarify requests, check comprehension and request for repetition in the classroom learning. Long (1981, 1996) noticed the differences in communication exchange between the native speakers and non-native speakers. For native speakers, they tend to continue communication despite the non-native speakers language limitations. Therefore, the non-native speakers need frequent negotiations for better understanding (Zhang, 1010). As such, the language used in delivering contents needs to be comprehensible to the learners so that their attention can be drawn in the classroom learning. Besides, L1 should be used as a tool to sustain the interactions between L2 low proficiency learners and their teachers so that both parties can enter into negotiation for meaning. 2.4 Swains Output Hypothesis In response to the Input Hypothesis by Krashen (1985), Swain (1985) argued that comprehensible input may not be sufficient for successful second language acquisition (Zhang, 2009). Furthermore, in order to produce comprehensible output, comprehensible input alone is not sufficient to L2 learning process. Research has been conducted using the Output Hypothesis and the results show that there is a link between language use and language learning (Zhang, 2009). From here, we know that in order to yield desirable output, we have to consider the factors that contribute to a more effective learning process. 2.5 Low proficiency L2 learners and vocabulary learning According to Anh (2010), due to the controversial of the impact of L1 usage in L2 teaching, many studies and research have been done on it. Although most of the research have been on the subject none really focused on how L1 usage in L2 teaching in the context of Low proficiency L2 learners. As stated by Latsanyphone and Bouangeune (2009), few experimental research and studies has been done on L1 to observe to find out whether it is an effective tool for teaching low proficiency learners. They further stated that The many agreement by professionals from the field of second language acquisitions such as Nation, 2001; Swain Lapkin, 2000; Atkinson, 1987; Tang, 2002; Auerbach, 1993; Mattioli, 2004 that stated and agree L1 usage would be an advantage with low proficiency students in a target language suggested that L1 plays an significant function in language teaching, particularly for the low proficiency learners. According to Latsanyphone and Bouangeune (2009), result from a study cond ucted by Ramachandran and Rahim (2004), who studied the effectiveness of using L1 in translation method, suggested that using L1 in the course of translation method was more effective than not using L1 in developing ESL learners vocabulary knowledge ability, and could also advance elementary ESL learners skill to recall the meaning of the word that they have learnt. They further stated that Based on the above, it seems necessary to look at the approaches for vocabulary teaching. Such implication could only mean that L1 in the teaching of L2 in the context of low proficiency students could prove to an advantage and should be further investigate the effectiveness of using L1 in teaching vocabulary to low proficiency learners despite the controversy of L2 teaching should only used L2 language as the medium of teaching. 3.0 Methodology 3.1 Introduction This section presents the study design and sets of procedures that were employed for the data collection of this research. The sample for this research was taken from a secondary school in Pasir Gudang, Johor Bahru. Only the Form five students from the low proficient class are involved in the study. 3.2 Subjects The subjects for the study were selected of form five students in a secondary school in Pasir Gudang, Johor Bahru. They were selected from the classes that have the lowest result of English (c and below). 3.3 Instruments Two tests (pre-test and post-test) were used to obtain and collect data in this study. The students literacy was measured using language tests. Two vocabulary tests were conducted in the classroom within 1 week. The students were instructed to tick or cross depending on whether they know the meaning of the word. If yes, then they need to provide the meaning using their own words and the answer in L1. Their test results were collected and analyzed. 3.2 Procedures This approach is based on a questionnaire survey conducted on the target group. The main instrument used for this study is an open-ended vocabulary questionnaire that consists of ten chosen English vocabulary from SPM level essay. Where the students are instructed to tick or cross depending on whether they know the meaning of the word. If yes, then they need to provide the meaning using their own words and the answer in L1. A pre-test was conducted on the students. After the pre-test, the students were divided into two groups, experimental and control. The control group received explanation and discussion of the vocabulary and its meaning in English while the experimental group explanation and discussion were conducted in L1 (Bahasa Melayu). A post-test was done a week later. Both the experimental and control group were given the same format of questionnaire with the same questions/words as previous test. The purpose of the second test was to see how many words were acquired one week before could be remembered, and to see whether there was any difference in the vocabulary acquisition of the new words between the two groups. 3.3 Data analysis A quantitative method was used in processing the data. The data collected in the study was inspected. Tests were objectively marked by the researchers. For each correct answer/ meaning, they were given 1 mark. Data scores were carefully typed into the SPSS data table in order to gain the desired data and analyzed using independent sample T-test analysis. 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Pre-test The objective of the analysis of the questionnaire is to answer the two questions of What are the effects of using L1 in L2 vocabulary learning classroom? and To what extend does the use of L1 increase the performances of L2 vocabulary learning. The results were interpreted independent sample T-test analysis shown in the graph below. The distribution of pre-test score by Class 1 (Experimental Group) is skewed to the right. It has a range from 0 to 2. IQR is 1. The mean and median are similar at 1.1 and 1 respectively. According to this graph, two of the students received 0 marks, 5 of them with 1 mark, and three of them with 3 marks. This could probably due to lack of knowledge of the given words and their meaning. However, from the answered questionnaire received, it could be seen that they do showed sign of positiveness and effort when they do try to answer each words in direct translation using L1 for example homeless, answered as kurang rumah. The distribution of pre-test score by Class 2 (Control Group) is skewed to the right too. It has a range from 0 to 8. IQR is 1. The mean and median are similar at 2 and 1 respectively. Accordingly, I students with 0 mark, 5 students achieved 3 mark, 2 student with 2 mark, I student with 3 marks and only 1 students received 6 marks. This group also showed poor comprehension of the given word although fared slightly better than the experimental group. From the above result, we can see that the post-test mean of Experimental Group (Class 1) is 14.2 and the post-test mean of Control Group (Class 2) is 11.8. Compare with the pre-test mean of Experimental Group (Class 1) is 1.1 and the pre-test mean of Control Group (Class 2) is 2, Experimental Group (Class 1) improve mean of 13.1 and Control Group (Class 2) improve mean of 9.8. The Improvement of Experimental Group (Class 1) is higher than Control Group (Class 2). 4.2 Post-test The distribution of post-test score by Class 1 (Experimental Group) is skewed to the left. It has a range from 11 to 15. IQR is 1. The mean and median are similar at 14.3 and 15 respectively. For this post-test, there seems to be an improvement according to the data results. Eight of students in the experimental group achieved 15 words correct, compared to the previous test where the highest is 3 words correct. The usage of L1 had further enhanced their understanding of the word and therefore resulting them to perform better in the post-test. The distribution of post-test score by Class 2 (Control Group) is skewed to the left too. It has a range from 7 to 13. IQR is 1. The mean and median are similar at 11.8 and 12 respectively. We could see from the result that there is improvement from the pre-test. Eight of the students had managed to get 12 and 13 correct. From the result above, we could see that the usage of L1 in the learning of vocabulary on low proficiency students do have a differences. 4.2 Problems with this study There were also problems and limitation that needed to be addressed in regards to this study. First and foremost, are the time constraints. As we progress with the research, we found that the duration of one week interval is not sufficient to test their understanding and memory. Another matter that concerns us is the insufficient representations of subjects; therefore, generalization could not be made for all form five low proficiency students. From the questionnaires that received back, we could not guaranty on the class control since we, the researcher are not there our self. Therefore, we could not be positive that the test was done under control situation, meaning, the teacher had made sure that the students had answered all the questions on their own. 5.0 CONCLUSION From the independent samples test, p-value was not above 5%, we have found a statistically significant difference between the true population mean post-test result by Experimental Group (Class 1) and Control Group (Class 2) at the significance level. This means that the Experimental Group (Class 1) has the sufficient evidence to suggest that they should teach the students base on their mother tongue language. However, from the result, by using L2 in vocabulary learning, could also achieve improvement. Therefore, it is hard to conclude which of the method is most effective if we were to compare them. However, the result remains that L1 usage do enhance the vocabulary acquisition. Taken together, the effects of using of L1 in L2 vocabulary learning classroom is encouraging and constructive. L1 should be used as a facilitator in the L2 vocabulary learning especially with students of lower proficiency.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Status of Religious Language :: Religion Philosophy Christianity Essays

In recent work on the philosophy of religion, there has been a great deal of concentration on what John Hick, in his Philosophy of Religion [Prentice Hall International Editions, 1990, Chapter 7] calls "the peculiarity of religious language". What Hick is referring to is the fact that when language is used either to describe God, or to make any kind of religious statement, it is used in ways that quickly reveal inherent difficulties of meaning. These problems have to do with the fact that while religious statements seem to have all the authority of factual statements, it is quite clearly not possible to regard them as actually being equivalently authoritative. It is not difficult to demonstrate this: a) Jesus loves Bob and Edna. Edna loves Bob. b) God has ordered me to do this. c) My parents have ordered me to stay in this evening. In the case of statements a), it would be straightforward, in all kinds of ways, to discover evidence for or against the truth of the statement that "Edna loves Bob". If one could listen to their private conversations over dinner, for example, it would not be difficult to interpret the affection of Edna for Bob and, hopefully, of Bob for Edna. If Bob were ill or unhappy, Edna's conduct towards him would demonstrate her love. We could go on with this list and, without any difficulty, lengthen it considerably in ways which, despite the theoretical possibility of our being deceived, would be generally verifiable and agreeable not only to Bob and Edna, but also to anyone else not devoutly sceptical to whom we might talk about Bob and Edna and their relationship. It would, though, surely, be rather more difficult to provide similar validation of the statement that "Jesus loves Bob and Edna", for, in attempting to do so, one would need to address such intractable questions as the following: how would we go about demonstrating either the truth or the falsity of this statement if Bob said that he did not believe it was true and Edna said that she did, who would be speaking the truth if the statement were made by a friendly neighbour, worried about Bob and Edna never attending church, on what basis might the statement be said to be veritably either true or false if Bob and Edna won a large amount of money in the national lottery, would this demonstrate that Jesus loved them The Status of Religious Language :: Religion Philosophy Christianity Essays In recent work on the philosophy of religion, there has been a great deal of concentration on what John Hick, in his Philosophy of Religion [Prentice Hall International Editions, 1990, Chapter 7] calls "the peculiarity of religious language". What Hick is referring to is the fact that when language is used either to describe God, or to make any kind of religious statement, it is used in ways that quickly reveal inherent difficulties of meaning. These problems have to do with the fact that while religious statements seem to have all the authority of factual statements, it is quite clearly not possible to regard them as actually being equivalently authoritative. It is not difficult to demonstrate this: a) Jesus loves Bob and Edna. Edna loves Bob. b) God has ordered me to do this. c) My parents have ordered me to stay in this evening. In the case of statements a), it would be straightforward, in all kinds of ways, to discover evidence for or against the truth of the statement that "Edna loves Bob". If one could listen to their private conversations over dinner, for example, it would not be difficult to interpret the affection of Edna for Bob and, hopefully, of Bob for Edna. If Bob were ill or unhappy, Edna's conduct towards him would demonstrate her love. We could go on with this list and, without any difficulty, lengthen it considerably in ways which, despite the theoretical possibility of our being deceived, would be generally verifiable and agreeable not only to Bob and Edna, but also to anyone else not devoutly sceptical to whom we might talk about Bob and Edna and their relationship. It would, though, surely, be rather more difficult to provide similar validation of the statement that "Jesus loves Bob and Edna", for, in attempting to do so, one would need to address such intractable questions as the following: how would we go about demonstrating either the truth or the falsity of this statement if Bob said that he did not believe it was true and Edna said that she did, who would be speaking the truth if the statement were made by a friendly neighbour, worried about Bob and Edna never attending church, on what basis might the statement be said to be veritably either true or false if Bob and Edna won a large amount of money in the national lottery, would this demonstrate that Jesus loved them

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cleopatra Essay example -- essays research papers fc

Cleopatra   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many countries have had important rulers who were well-known throughout the world. One country whose leaders particularly stand out is Egypt. The leaders of ancient Egypt were extremely essential in history. Cleopatra was a key example of these significant rulers of Egypt. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII was an extraordinary woman who used her knowledge and ambition to fulfill Egypt’s political goals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cleopatra VII, more commonly known as Cleopatra, was born to Ptolemy XII and his sister Cleopatra Tryphaina in 69 B.C. (Nardo 9). Although she lacked beauty, Cleopatra was regarded as a fascinating woman who was known for her intelligence and charm. Egyptian coins picture her with â€Å"a countenance alive rather than beautiful, with a sensitive mouth, firm chin liquid eyes, broad forehead, and prominent nose† (â€Å"Cleopatra VII† 377). After her father’s death in 51 B.C., Cleopatra became queen. She ruled Egypt with her eldest brother and husband Ptolemy XIII. Marriage between siblings was a â€Å"common practice† in ancient Egyptian royal families (Sinnigen 662). She was the last ruler of the dynasty established by Ptolemy I. Cleopatra was of Macedonian descent but took it upon herself to learn the Egyptian language and referred to herself as the daughter of the sun god (â€Å"Cleopatra VII† 377). Her capital was Alexandria, d iscovered by Alexander the Great, and was an excellent center of Hellenistic Greek culture and c...

Who are the Real Parents? Essay -- science

Who are the Real Parents? Are parents those who give birth to a child or those who care for a child? Does nature or nurture make a woman a mother? As more and more heartbreaking tugs-of-war between biological and adoptive parents surface, anyone searching for a baby has good reason for concern (Casey 119). Baby Jessica was raised from infancy by adoptive parents, Jan and Roberta DeBoer. For two and a half years Jessica was at the heart of one of the most bitter custody battles in America, caught between the parents in Michigan who reared her and the parents in Iowa who gave birth to her and wanted her back (Ingrassia and Springen 60). Cara and Dan Schmidt took screaming baby Jessica from her home in 1993 when they won their court battle to get her back (Casey 119). Baby Jessica is just one of the many victims of child custody battles in America. Jane and John Doe adopted a baby boy, Richard in March of 1991. Richard’s biological mother, Daniela Kirchner, gave up her son while her boyfriend, Otakar, was out of the country visiting his family. He had left Daniela just two weeks before Richard’s birth. Daniela had heard rumors that Otakar had been cheating on her with another woman, in Czechoslovakia, so she decided to lie to him about their baby, Richard. She told Otakar that Richard had died just four days after his birth. In May of 1991 Otakar returned to Chicago and the couple reconciled. Daniela told him about the adoption of their son and how she lied to him about his death. Eighty days after Richard’s birth, Otakar challenged the adoption. He claimed that he had no knowledge of his son until his return to the US and now he wanted his son back desperately (Ingrassia and McCormick 44). The Does met in seventh grade in a suburban Chicago school but didn’t start dating until they were in their early twenties. Married in 1979, Jane, a paralegal, and John and a son. They say that they had not sought to adopt another child but were â€Å"bowled over† by that first call about Richard. Never did they expect that legal briefs and litigation would dominate their lives for the next three years (Alexander 40). After three and a half years of court battle, baby Richard was torn away from his adoptive parents where he had lived since he was four days old and returned to his biological father, who had never seen him before (Terry A1). W... ...sey, Kathryn. â€Å"The Case of Baby Lenore 25 Years Later.† Ladies Home Journal. August 1995: 116-9. Diamant, Anita. â€Å"Is It Safe to Adopt A Child?† McCalls (Jan 1994): 96-99. Rpt. in Family. Vol. 5. Ed. Eleanor Goldstein. Boca Raton, FL: S.I.R.S., Inc., 1994. Art. 22. Hegger, Susan. â€Å"The Trials of Childhood.† St. Louis Post-Dispatch. (Aug 1993): 1B. Rpt. in Family. Vol. 5. Ed. Eleanor Goldstein. Boca Raton, FL: S.I.R.S., Inc., 1993. Art. 17. Ingrassia, Michelle and John McCormick. â€Å"Ordered to Surrender† Newsweek. (Feb 1995):44-45. Rpt. in Family. Vol. 5. Ed. Eleanor Goldstein. Boca Raton, FL: S.I.R.S., Inc., 1995. Art. 41. Ingrassia, Michelle and Karen Springen. â€Å"She’s Not Baby Jessica Anymore.† Newsweek. 21 March 1994: 60-3. McCarty, Kevin. â€Å"Adoption Exchange Association: Statement on the Uniform Adoption Act.† []. January 1997. Terry, Don. â€Å"Storm Rages in Chicago Over Revoked Adoption.† New York Times. 15 July 1994: A1:A12. Yack, Wendy and Susan Littwin. â€Å"They Took Away My Baby.† McCalls. (Jan 1994): 96-99. Rpt. in Family. Vol. 5. Ed. Eleanor Goldstein. Boca Raton, FL: S.I.R.S., Inc., 1994. Art. 22.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

On Arabian Culture Essay

The literature on social diversity and cleavages in Arab society and the Middle East as a whole suffers from several fallacies, two of which are most pertinent here. One is the tendency, particularly among Orientalists, to speak both of the mosaic nature of Arab society and of the existence of a unified mentality, or one Arab mind, without any awareness of the contradiction between these two abstractions. The other is the emphasis either on communal cleavages or on class conflicts, with the result that one becomes explanatory while the other is ignored. The interplay and coincidence of these two cleavages are rarely examined in their historical and social contexts. How can an individual define the diversity of Arab society? The diversity that characterizes Arab society needs to be analyzed within a three-dimensional framework: (a) a homogeneity-heterogeneity continuum; (b) the processes of conflict-accommodation-assimilation; and (c) social class cleavages. The continuum that covers the range from a completely homogeneous society to one of great heterogeneity encompasses a complex system of vertical loyalties and communal differentiations (ethnic, linguistic, sectarian, tribal, local, regional, and the like) that coincides as well as conflicts with social class cleavages. Arab society has historically been highly heterogeneous. Certainly, one may argue that there has recently been a resurgence of communal loyalties and mobilization, confirming the mosaic and segmentary structures of society. What cannot be granted is the static conception of these loyalties and cleavage as permanent, unchanging forms of differentiation. What is Arab society in general? The characterization of Arab society as heterogeneous, however, needs to be accompanied by an explicit clarification that not all Arab countries are similar in this respect. In fact, they differ widely in regard to their positions on the homogeneity-heterogeneity continuum. Compared to other Arab countries, Egypt and Tunisia, for instance, may be described as rather homogeneous as far as communal cleavages are concerned. These two countries tend to have fewer ethnic, religious, and tribal differences (and, hence, conflicts) than other Arab societies, and are characterized more by social complexity and social class cleavages. A second group of Arab countries, such as Lebanon and Sudan, occupy a position close to the opposite end of the continuum, each being more of a mosaic in structure and social composition. A third set, such as Syria, Algeria, Arabia, and Morocco, tend to occupy positions more in the middle of the continuum. Conventional Western literature on Arab and other Middle Eastern societies has persistently avoided any serious discussion of social class structure. Instead, it has conceived of Arab societies simply as a mosaic. At the margin of this mainstream discourse, however, there has been some occasional speculation on problems of social stratification. Whenever a discussion of this nature has taken place, it has evolved into a heated exchange. One point of view reaffirms the conclusions of the mosaic model and questions the relevance of class analysis. For instance, C. A. O. van Niewenhuijze and James Bill, in separate works, dismiss class analysis in economic terms and instead use Weberian concepts of status and power. Similarly, Iliya Harik has more recently dismissed the thesis put forward by some writers that the Lebanese civil war is actually a class struggle and expressed his â€Å"belief that class distinctions in Lebanon are too obscure to sustain the class struggle argument†. Bryan S. Turner, by contrast, has pointed out that anyone â€Å"who wants to develop a Marxist analysis of North Africa and the Middle East must start with a critique of the mosaic theory and all its related assumptions†. Such a critique, he explains, is required because mosaic analysts believe â€Å"that traditional Middle Eastern societies were not class dominated and that in the modern Middle East social class is only in the process of emerging alongside other forms of social stratification†. Nicholas S. Hopkins has applied ideas of class derived from the Marxist tradition to changes in the social structure of an agricultural town in Tunisia, concluding that essential changes in the mechanization of agriculture and in the improvement of communications â€Å"led to a shift in the organization of work away from a pattern based on mobilization of labor within the household or the extended kindred . . . and toward a pattern of labor determined by wage labor†. Consequently, this Tunisian agricultural town has shifted from a society in which rank was based â€Å"on vertical rather than on horizontal links† to one â€Å"based on class†. Hopkins argues further that not only is there class in the objective sense, â€Å"there is also class consciousness, at least in embryonic, symbolic form†. My own view is that the persistence of communal cleavages complicates rather than nullifies social class consciousness and struggle. This persistence of communal cleavages and vertical loyalties in some Arab countries is owing to the perpetuation of traditional systems in which communities are linked to their local za’ims (traditional leaders) through patron-client relationships. To the extent that constructive change can be introduced in these areas, such traditional systems will give way, increasingly, to other social and class relationships. Reference: Gutas, D. (1998). Greek Thought, Arab Culture : The Graeco-Arabic Translation Movement in Baghdad and Early Abbasid Society (2nd-4th & 8th-10th C. ): Routledge. Rejwan, N. (1998). Arabs Face the Modern World: Religious, Cultural, and Political Responses to the West: Gainesville University Press of Florida. Szarmach, P. E. (1979). Aspects of Jewish Culture in the Middle Ages: Albany State University of New York Press

Monday, September 16, 2019

Ashoka country/region: India Lifespan Essay

Political conditions prior to leader’s gaining power: The Mauryan Empire was perhaps the largest empire ever to dominate the Indian subcontinent. Administration of Mauryan dynasty emote a stupendous instance, in which the top order established solemn groundwork for their descendants.Chandragupta Maurya, the founder king of the Mauryan Dynasty, represents the quintessence of the Mauryan kings, who materialised the very idea of political unification of India. social condition prior to leader’s gaining power: Among the more significant changes which had taken place by the middle of the first millennium B.C. was the development of towns and urban culture. The coming of Aryan culture based on pastoralism and agrarian village communities. It resulted in the entire process of development from village cultures to urban cultures being re-experienced in northern India. Towns evolved from trade centres and craft villages, and consequently the dominant institution of urban life was the guild. economic condition prior to leader’s gaining power: Land revenue had been recognised as a major source of state income before the Mauryas. The proverbial wealth of the Nandas was doubtless due to their efficient collection of revenue from the fertile middle Ganga plain. ideology, motivation, goals: Ashoka goals were to bring Buddhist values, general welfare, justice, and security. significant actions & events during term of power: Ashoka’s military power was so strong that he was able to crush those empires that went to war against him. Ashoka also planted trees in his empire and his neighboring countries. Ashoka was perhaps the first emperor in human history to ban slavery, hunting, fishing and deforestation. Ashoka also banned the death sentence and asked the same for the neighboring countries. Ashoka commanded his people to serve the orders of their elders parents and religious monks. Ashoka also recommended his people study and respect all religions. According to Ashoka, to harm another’s religion is a harm to one’s own religion. Ashoka asked people to live with harmony, peace, love and tolerance. Ashoka called his people as his children, and they could call him when they need him. He also asked people to save money and not to spend for immoral causes. short term effects: After his death the dynasty fell, creating a new dynasty in India. long term effects: Ashoka influence the spread of Buddhism thought India. Until today most of the Indian population still is Buddhists. View as multi-pages

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Literary Genre

Literature (from Latin litteraetantri (plural); letter) is the art of written works, and is not bound to published sources (although, under circumstances unpublished sources can be exempt). Literally translated, the word literature means â€Å"acquaintance with letters† (as in the â€Å"arts and letters†). The two major classification of literature are poetry and prose. â€Å"Literature† is sometimes differentiated from popular and ephemeral classes of writing.Terms such as â€Å"literary fiction† and â€Å"literary merit† are used to distinguish individual works as art-literature rather than vernacular writing, and some critics exclude works from being â€Å"literary†, for example, on grounds of weak or faulty style, use of slang, poor characterization and shallow or contrived construction. Others exclude all genres such as romance, crime and mystery, science fiction, horror and fantasy. Pop lyrics, which are not technically a written medium at all, have also been drawn into this controversy.POETRY A poem is a composition written in verse (although verse has been equally used for epic and dramatic fiction). Poems rely heavily on imagery, precise word choice, and metaphor; they may take the form of measures consisting of patterns of stresses (metric feet) or of patterns of different-length syllables (as in classical prosody); and they may or may not utilize rhyme. Relaxation Through Poetry is a tool used to help someone relax in times of stress. One cannot readily characterize poetry precisely.Typically though, poetry as a form of literature makes some significant use of the formal properties of the words it uses – the properties of the written or spoken form of the words, independent of their meaning. Meter depends on syllables and on rhythms of speech; rhyme and alliteration depend on the sounds of words. Arguably, poetry pre-dates other forms of literature. Early examples include the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh (dated from around 2700 B. C. ), parts of the Bible, the surviving works of Homer (the Iliad and the Odyssey), and the Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharata.In cultures based primarily on oral traditions the formal characteristics of poetry often have a mnemonic function, and important texts: legal, genealogical or moral, for example, may appear first in verse form. Some poetry uses specific forms. Examples include the haiku, the limerick, and the sonnet. A traditional haiku written in Japanese relate to nature, contain seventeen onji (syllables), distributed over three lines in groups of five, seven, and five, and should also have a kigo, a specific word indicating a season.A limerick has five lines, with a rhyme scheme of AABBA, and line lengths of 3,3,2,2,3 stressed syllables. It traditionally has a less reverent attitude towards nature. Poetry not adhering to a formal poetic structure is called â€Å"free verse† Language and tradition dictate some poetic norms: Persian p oetry always rhymes, Greek poetry rarely rhymes, Italian or French poetry often does, English and German poetry can go either way. Perhaps the most paradigmatic style of English poetry, blank verse, as exemplified in works by Shakespeare and Milton, consists of unrhymed iambic pentameters.Some languages prefer longer lines; some shorter ones. Some of these conventions result from the ease of fitting a specific language's vocabulary and grammar into certain structures, rather than into others; for example, some languages contain more rhyming words than others, or typically have longer words. Other structural conventions come about as the result of historical accidents, where many speakers of a language associate good poetry with a verse form preferred by a particular skilled or popular poet. Works for theatre (see below) traditionally took verse form.This has now become rare outside opera and musicals, although many would argue that the language of drama remains intrinsically poetic. In recent years, digital poetry has arisen that takes advantage of the artistic, publishing, and synthetic qualities of digital media. An essay consists of a discussion of a topic from an author's personal point of view, exemplified by works by Michel de Montaigne or by Charles Lamb. ‘Essay' in English derives from ‘attempt. ‘ Thus, one can find open-ended, provocative and/or inconclusive essays.The term â€Å"essays† first applied to the self-reflective musings of Michel de Montaigne–even today he has a reputation as the father of this literary form. Genres related to the essay may include: †¢the memoir, telling the story of an author's life from the author's personal point of view †¢the epistle: usually a formal, didactic, or elegant letter. †¢works by Lady Murasaki[citation needed], the Arabic Hayy ibn Yaqdhan by Ibn Tufail, the Arabic Theologus Autodidactus by Ibn al-Nafis, and the Chinese Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanz hong[citation needed].Early novels in Europe did not count as significant litera perhaps because â€Å"mere† prose writing seemed easy and unimportant. It has become clear, however, that prose writing can provide aesthetic pleasure without adhering to poetic forms. Additionally, the freedom authors gain in not having to concern themselves with verse structure translates often into a more complex plot or into one richer in precise detail than one typically finds even in narrative poetry. This freedom also allows an author to experiment with many different literary and presentation styles—including poetry—in the scope of a single novel.Other prose literature Philosophical, historical, journalistic, legal and scientific writings are traditionally ranked as literature. They offer some of the oldest prose writings in existence; novels and prose stories earned the names â€Å"fiction† to distinguish them from factual writing or nonfiction, which writers histori cally have crafted in prose. Natural science As advances and specialization have made new scientific research inaccessible to most audiences, the â€Å"literary† nature of science writing has become less pronounced over the last two centuries. Now, science appears mostly in journals.Scientific works of Aristotle, Copernicus, and Newton still possess great value, but since the science in them has largely become outdated, they no longer serve for scientific instruction. Yet, they remain too technical to sit well in most programmes of literary study. Outside of â€Å"history of science† programmes, students rarely read such works. Philosophy Philosophy, too, has become an increasingly academic discipline. More of its practitioners lament this situation than occurs with the sciences; nonetheless most new philosophical work appears in academic journals.Major philosophers through history—Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Descartes, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche—have become as canonical as any writers. Some recent philosophy works are argued to merit the title â€Å"literature†, such as some of the works by Simon Blackburn; but much of it does not, and some areas, such as logic, have become extremely technical to a degree similar to that of mathematics. History A great deal of historical writing ranks as literature, particularly the genre known as creative nonfiction. So can a great deal of journalism, such as literary journalism.However these areas have become extremely large, and often have a primarily utilitarian purpose: to record data or convey immediate information. As a result the writing in these fields often lacks a literary quality, although it often and in its better moments has that quality. Major â€Å"literary† historians include Herodotus, Thucydides and Procopius, all of whom count as canonical literary figures. Law Law offers a less clear case. Some writings of Plato and Aristotle, or even the early parts of the Bible, m ight count as legal literature.The law tables of Hammurabi of Babylon might count. Roman civil law as codified in the Corpus Juris Civilis during the reign of Justinian I of the Byzantine Empire has a reputation as significant literature. The founding documents of many countries, including Constitutions and Law Codes, can count as literature; however, most legal writings rarely exhibit much literary merit, as they tend to be rather garrulous. Drama A play or drama offers another classical literary form that has continued to evolve over the years.It generally comprises chiefly dialogue between characters, and usually aims at dramatic / theatrical performance (see theatre) rather than at reading. During the 18th and 19th centuries, opera developed as a combination of poetry, drama, and music. Nearly all drama took verse form until comparatively recently. Shakespeare could be considered drama. Romeo and Juliet, for example, is a classic romantic drama generally accepted as literature. Greek drama exemplifies the earliest form of drama of which we have substantial knowledge.Tragedy, as a dramatic genre, developed as a performance associated with religious and civic festivals, typically enacting or developing upon well-known historical or mythological themes. Tragedies generally presented very serious themes. With the advent of newer technologies, scripts written for non-stage media have been added to this form. War of the Worlds (radio) in 1938 saw the advent of literature written for radio broadcast, and many works of Drama have been adapted for film or television. Conversely, television, film, and radio literature have been adapted to printed or electronic media.Oral literature The term oral literature refers not to written, but to oral traditions, which includes different types of epic, poetry and drama, folktales, ballads. However the use of this oxymoron is controversial and not generally accepted by the scientific community. Some prefer to avoid the etymolog ical question using â€Å"oral narrative tradition†, â€Å"oral sacred tradition†, â€Å"oral poetry† or directly using epics or poetry (terms that no necessarily imply writing), others prefer to create neologisms as orature.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sleep Deprivation

In today s busy lifestyle, the days are just not long enough to get everything done. Getting the correct amount of sleep is important to not only be healthy, but also to live safely, as may Americans may not know the severity of sleep deprivation. The human body requires sleep to regenerate, and a lack their of causes it to function abnormally. High school and college students generally need more sleep than adults, but on average sleep less than the 9 hours recommended. Time schedules and hectic life styles cause sleep deficiencies. What people may not know is how dangerous it can be to not get enough sleep. If you find yourself taping your eyelids open, and yawning all day, you may need to reschedule your time to get more sleep! The exact cause of sleep is still unknown to scientists, however many theories on how and why we sleep are in circulation. For example, sleep could be away to sort thoughts and memories or to give our immune system a chance to catch up. In addition sleep could be a way to prevent the brain from overheating, build neurons and our body to manufacture proteins. Further more, scientists believe that sleep is a way to restock depleted glucose levels that the brain needs to function. Most everyone has been caught a few times with bags under their eyes, but over time Americans have continued to push deprivation to the extreme. For example, students have more pressure on them to do well in school, as competition continues to rise for degrees ext. Staying up late to finish homework and study is common these days. In addition, hobbies and sports deprive young people the sleep they might need to become fully rested. Scholarships may be the only hope for some people to get an education past high school, and this demands early morning or late night practices and studying. Furthermore, social lives force most young adults to stay out late on weekends, and then sleep in Saturdays and Sunday mornings, throwing their sleeping patters off even more. Whether you are aware of it or not, sleep deprivation is dangerous. In a survey across America, 62% of the population admitted to driving drowsy, and 27 % further admitted to falling asleep behind the wheel at least once in the past year. As it only takes a split second to cause an accident, being a victim to a sleepy driver would not be an enjoyable experience. Not to mention that sleep deprived people are moody, filled with malaise, have poor concentration, and are susceptible to illnesses. Research has also shown that a sleep deficiency not only has a negative impact on work output, but also takes away from peoples will to perform the task hand. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that approximately 100,000 police-reported crashes annually (about 1. % of all crashes) involve drowsiness or fatigue as a principal factor in the accident. It s unfortunate to loose 1,500 people in the U. S. alone to a situation that can be easily avoided with such a simple function as sleep (4% of all traffic crash fatalities are sleep related). At least 71,000 people are injured in fall-asleep crashes each year. The NHTSA estimates these crashes represent $12. 5 billion each year. Furthermore, laws are being placed to prevent sleepy drivers from getting on the road. This is because deprivations mimics drunkenness, and slows down drivers reaction time to nothing in many cases. Although being ticketed for driving under an *exosted* state of mind would be a hassle and inconvenience, it would help to save lives. Good sleeping patterns not only promote a good health, but also prevent accidents from occurring. Sleeping properly and regularly, allows your brain to perform at maximum capacity. If at all possible scheduling time to get the most out of every day, including 8 to 9 hours of sleep is very important. If not for yourself, sleep properly to prevent the distress on others that may occur from an accident. You may not notice your mistake, but a death certificate leaves an erasable mark on families. Sleep Deprivation In today s busy lifestyle, the days are just not long enough to get everything done. Getting the correct amount of sleep is important to not only be healthy, but also to live safely, as may Americans may not know the severity of sleep deprivation. The human body requires sleep to regenerate, and a lack their of causes it to function abnormally. High school and college students generally need more sleep than adults, but on average sleep less than the 9 hours recommended. Time schedules and hectic life styles cause sleep deficiencies. What people may not know is how dangerous it can be to not get enough sleep. If you find yourself taping your eyelids open, and yawning all day, you may need to reschedule your time to get more sleep! The exact cause of sleep is still unknown to scientists, however many theories on how and why we sleep are in circulation. For example, sleep could be away to sort thoughts and memories or to give our immune system a chance to catch up. In addition sleep could be a way to prevent the brain from overheating, build neurons and our body to manufacture proteins. Further more, scientists believe that sleep is a way to restock depleted glucose levels that the brain needs to function. Most everyone has been caught a few times with bags under their eyes, but over time Americans have continued to push deprivation to the extreme. For example, students have more pressure on them to do well in school, as competition continues to rise for degrees ext. Staying up late to finish homework and study is common these days. In addition, hobbies and sports deprive young people the sleep they might need to become fully rested. Scholarships may be the only hope for some people to get an education past high school, and this demands early morning or late night practices and studying. Furthermore, social lives force most young adults to stay out late on weekends, and then sleep in Saturdays and Sunday mornings, throwing their sleeping patters off even more. Whether you are aware of it or not, sleep deprivation is dangerous. In a survey across America, 62% of the population admitted to driving drowsy, and 27 % further admitted to falling asleep behind the wheel at least once in the past year. As it only takes a split second to cause an accident, being a victim to a sleepy driver would not be an enjoyable experience. Not to mention that sleep deprived people are moody, filled with malaise, have poor concentration, and are susceptible to illnesses. Research has also shown that a sleep deficiency not only has a negative impact on work output, but also takes away from peoples will to perform the task hand. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that approximately 100,000 police-reported crashes annually (about 1. % of all crashes) involve drowsiness or fatigue as a principal factor in the accident. It s unfortunate to loose 1,500 people in the U. S. alone to a situation that can be easily avoided with such a simple function as sleep (4% of all traffic crash fatalities are sleep related). At least 71,000 people are injured in fall-asleep crashes each year. The NHTSA estimates these crashes represent $12. 5 billion each year. Furthermore, laws are being placed to prevent sleepy drivers from getting on the road. This is because deprivations mimics drunkenness, and slows down drivers reaction time to nothing in many cases. Although being ticketed for driving under an *exosted* state of mind would be a hassle and inconvenience, it would help to save lives. Good sleeping patterns not only promote a good health, but also prevent accidents from occurring. Sleeping properly and regularly, allows your brain to perform at maximum capacity. If at all possible scheduling time to get the most out of every day, including 8 to 9 hours of sleep is very important. If not for yourself, sleep properly to prevent the distress on others that may occur from an accident. You may not notice your mistake, but a death certificate leaves an erasable mark on families.