Monday, September 30, 2019

Marine Fishes

Marine aquariums and saltwater fish†¦ capturing the imagination and inspiring enthusiasts for nearly 2 centuries! The world’s oceans are inhabited with over 14, 000 species of saltwater fish. A fascinating realm of sea creatures that are natural wonders of color, form, and display. With such an astounding diversity, learning about marine fish and keeping saltwater aquariums is an exciting adventure. Our list of saltwater fish covers a wide array of species from marine aquarium fish to exotic species. Each fish guide offers salt water fish information starting with where they are found and their habitat, followed with fish care, behaviors, and compatibility. Fish pictures are provided with each guide to help choose a pet and aid as a fish identification guide. Log In Marine Aquariums – Saltwater Fish | |Saltwater Fish Guides – Fish Care and Information – Pictures of Fish | |Anemone Fish | | | |Many anemone fish enjoy a simbiotic relationship with anemones | | | |[pic] | |Anemonefish – Damsels – Damsels are very colorful, but are also very hardy and adapt easily to captivity. | |[pic] | |Clownfish – Clownfish get their name because of their clown like markings and an adorable ‘waddle-like' swimming motion, they | |are truly the clowns of sea! | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | | | |[pic] | |Angelfish – Saltwater angelfish are truly an inspiration for many aquarists. Their majestic beauty is rivaled by few other | |types of fish. | |[pic] | |Blenny Types – Blennies are long, blunt headed fish. The male blennies are usually larger and more colorful than the females. |Blennies like to perch in the rocks and will enjoy an aquarium with plenty of rockwork or live rock. | | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | |[pic] | |Butterflyfish – Like angelfish, butterflyfish can be incredibly colorful and beautiful. Unfortunately, they are generally | |harder to keep in an aquarium because of their specialized diets. |[pic] | |Gobies and Dartfish – Gobies live in holes either found or dug from the sand which serve as a place to bolt into when danger is| |near, while the Dartfish or Dart Gobies swim above their protective caves. | | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | |[pic] | |Hawkfishes – â€Å"The name comes from their hawklike hunting behaviour. | |[pic] | |Lionfish – The Last Thing Many Fish Will Ever See †¦ | | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | |[pic] | |Mandarinfish and Dragonets – Mandarinfish and Dragonets are mostly bottom dwellers. They often like to bury themselves in the | |sand or flit from rock to rock in search of the small animals they like to feed upon. |[pic] | |Marine Eels – â€Å"The romans valued morays very highly, docorating them with jewels† | | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | |[pic] | |Miscellaneous Saltwater Fish – Saltwater fish that are not represented by a large number of species. Many of these marine fish | |make wonderful additons to the marine or reef aquarium. | |[pic] | |Puffers – Boxfish – Porcupinefish – Puffers, Boxfish, and Porcupinefish are considered hardy in the sense that they will almost| |always adapt to aquarium food if fed proper foods. These fish love to eat will often look forward to seeing the person that | |feeds them. | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | |[pic] | |Sea Basses and Groupers – â€Å"When the Betta hu nts it approaches its prey sideways †¦ † | |[pic] | |Sharks and Rays – Sharks and Rays can be incredible additions to aquariums that are large enough to suit the particular | |species. Unfortunately most of them are too large for anything but a public aquarium. | | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | |[pic] | |Surgeonfish – The Acanthuridae family contains the fish that are known as Surgeonfish, Tangs, Unicornfish, and doctorfish. The | |name â€Å"surgeonfish† comes from the erectable razor sharp spines at the base of their bodies just in front of the tail fin. |[pic] | |Triggerfish – Members of this family have acquired their common name ‘triggerfish' from the characteristic locking and | |unlocking of their first dorsal fin. | | | |[pic] | |[pic] | | | |[pic] | |Wrasses – Wrasses come in a wide assortment of colors, shapes and sizes. They are very beautiful and a fun addition to marine | |aquariums. | | | | |

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